Friday, 16 January 2015

January 19

January 19th, 2014
Homework F11

Language Arts

I see that most of us are up and rolling with Raz-kids and that is awesome! 
I hope you are enjoying the program! I can now monitor the students’ reading and progress as they go! 

If there are any parents that wish to register to get Raz-kids activity reports through email of your child and I have not yet done so, please do not hesitate to let me know (please include email address). 

For those who do not have internet access at home, please send me a note in the agenda or an email so that I can provide your child with hard copies of readings for their weekly homework.

-Please continue reading on Raz, listening and doing quizzes and get those points up!

**If you are using an iPad, iPod or a tablet, please ensure to download the Raz-Kids app in order to be able to properly access the program.

-Please continue to practice the Jolly Phonics digraphs. You can also YouTube the video which I use in class for extra practice (search: Jolly Phonics digraphs).
-Power words: p.16-17! Practice, practice!

Please sign and return TOMORROW:
Math test Theme 4
Yellow “Spelling” workbook


- Theme 5: Reinforcement Activity sheets 5-1 and 5-2

Have a great week! 
Miss Makris

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